The Mother Lode

During my research, I came across a few noteworthy sites.

NaNoWriMo. One month, one book. In Novemember I will be participating in this awesome program. Participants will have exactly one month to complete a 50,000 word, 175 page book. Editing is not the focus, just pure creativity. What a concept.

Another truly awesome site, is the Romance Divas. OK, it’s totally kick ass if you ask me. (spoke straight from the heart, lol) What a valuable source of information. From research links, workshops, and so much more. I found the mother lode with this site. Romance Divas is a great tool for a newbie to have n their hands, that’s for sure.

In my next post I will be working on one of the workshops, Dazzle ‘Em With Description Excercise 1 of 5. So, After dropping the kiddos off at school, I will finish my nights sleep, and then hit the books so to speak.

Will chat soon.

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